Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alley-blog! :: Special Urban Decay Edition

I'm not sure if these 3 shots will appear in the right order, but the first one is supposed to show the gradually enlarging hole on the top level of the ramp behind my office. Next is the group of dudes who showed up the other day to scratch their heads and wonder what should be done to fix the problem. Finally, shot earlier today, barricades went up so that infrastructural improvements could be made. Did I mention that this ramp is only 2 years old? Why is a Very Low Use ramp falling apart after just 2 years? Anyone?

Alley-blog! :: 2008.10.14

Let's give a big Alley-blog! welcome to BIX! ("Hi, Bix!")

Alley-blog! :: 2008.10.14

Here's something you don't see every day on Alley-blog!
A beer truck! :-)

Alley-blog! :: 2008.10.14

Ah, the lovely fall colors of Alley-blog! truly shine along side the tiny white delivery trucks...