Thursday, May 1, 2008


Tom said...

Okay, Ry... THIS is how you get on Alley-Blog!
One shiny new No-Prize goes to the first reader who correctly identifies the celebrity in this photo.

Mari said...

!?!? I dunno, but I wanna know! Ack!

Kev-dawg said...

I know, but I'm not going to tell

Mari said...

It's KevDawg, a.k.a. Understanding Boss! I *knew* it. And he's reading the Freep while driving. Yowzah!

Tom said...

Try again.

Mari said...

Guess #2: Joe Spear. (Yes, I'm obsessed.)

Anonymous said...

Dr. Davenport?

Mari said...

ShyBoy Tim?

Tom said...

The Dalai Lama?
Oh, wait. I'm the one who knows who it is.
I shouldn't be guessing.

Mari said...

I give up. I hafta go to work. But at least we chalked up a record number of comments.