Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Tom said...

The spouse of yours truly once asked me, many months ago, why I keep taking pictures of what's outside my window: "Surely you've seen all there is to see?"

I have two things to say to my wife, in response:
A) Witness "Cross County" and "Capitol Warehousing." Have they ever appeared on Alley-Blog! before today? I don't think so.
And B) Stop calling me Shirley.

Anonymous said...

i think this was kind of funny. mari and i were browsing the internet, and came to alley-blog. we both cheared and said "he's updated it!" wow, we are true alley-blog groupies...

Anonymous said...

this blog is strangely but compellingly addictive. i added the rss feed to my feedreader so i'm kept up to date on new postings within minutes.

i do expect it to be a great resource in future ages to archeologists trying to understand our current culture :-)