Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alley Blog Special: Word Hog on the road

Word Hog, the beast that oversees all things Alley Blog has hit the road with UB and fam. Here he thinks he has found his home at the Chocolate Capitol of the world -- Hershey, Pa.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. Pork and chocolate. Not sure what I think about that...
(P.S. For the record, even though this special "Word Hog on the road" entry says it was posted by "Tom" it was actually done so by "U.B." and/or his family.)

Mari said...

I can't wait to see where Word Hawg travels next.

In the meantime, bring me back a few pounds of chocolate, will ya? I'll miss it in with some melted WI cheese...

Anonymous said...

was hoping to see some stickers plastered somewhere??!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll do better. Still about 2000 miles to go.